If you're one of the millions of moms who don't want to let strangers raise your kids, moms who would love to be able to stay home with their kids but need to bring in more money, you're in luck. With the internet, any woman who wants to start a small business from home can easily do so. It is easier than ever to find a business for work-at-home moms.

Before you set out to find a business though you need to take a little time and figure out specifically what you're looking for. Do you want a business for work-at-home moms or just a work-from-home job? If you want to start a business you need to decide do you want to get involved with network marketing, affiliate marketing, or something else entirely.

A brief overview: network marketing or MLM is when you sell a product or service and you bring other people on as part of your team. You will get paid a percentage of what the other people in your team, or downline, sell. This is great because you can build a huge organization and make a lot of money without having to do all the work yourself. Another advantage is that once your organization is built it takes little time and effort to maintain it yet you still get your percentage of sales (residual income).

The downside of network marketing is that the companies often don't provide you with the level of training you will need to be successful (although there are many places online where you can go to get the training). Another downside of network marketing is the fact that it will take time to build an organization big enough to pay you a full-time income.

Affiliate marketing, on the other hand, is a business in which you are basically a commissioned salesperson for someone else's product. For the most part, there are a few exceptions, when you make a sale it's a one-time thing...no residual income. But, it can be easier to make a livable income more quickly than with network marketing.

Again, you will need the training to be really successful. The trial and error method is what many new business owners rely on, but that is very frustrating, expensive, and time-consuming. If you're looking for the best business for work-at-home moms you probably want to start making money right away which you can only do if you invest some time to get properly trained.

And of course, you can always go the E-bay route. I personally don't know much about E-bay, I've never gone that route. I do know though that many sellers aren't happy with E-bay right now because of some changes in their policy regarding what a seller can and cannot do.

So that is a brief overview of the most common types of business for work-at-home moms. There obviously is a lot more information on each subject you will need to learn as well as how to market your business (which just means how to get customers, or advertise).

So before you jump into a business for work-at-home moms you should 'partner' with someone who can teach you the ropes. Someone who has been where you are now and will teach you the skills you need to learn to be successful. None of this is all that hard, but just like with any new skill you need to learn it first. Find yourself a 'mentor' who can help you out. And then just go for it!

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